HKScan’s Rakvere factory workers’ strike ends: an 8% salary rise for employees

HKScan’s Rakvere production plant employees’ strike ended after the employees’ joint decision to cease the strike and return to work.

The strike began on Tuesday 6 February 2018 and ended on Monday morning 16 April 2018 as the workers returned to their assignments. The strike that lasted for almost 10 weeks is the longest in Estonian history.

In October, the organised slaughterhouse employees insisted that the employer should recognise the trade union as a negotiating party, respect the employees’ right of association and provide the workers with a salary that covers the living costs.

The employees accepted the 8% raise offered by the employer. Furthermore, HKScan informed that it recognises the local trade union as the representative of organised workers.

Rakvere workers continue to work for improving the status of the trade union and for better organisation of employees as well as for improving the terms of employment and working conditions.

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